
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Little Lost Lilly Pad

He trusts me with His Life-
Lyrics of pain floating though air.
Yet distrusts My truths, denies my strife-
With a skillet He cuts, couldn't find a knife.
Tea Parties and song-
Dancing to memories,far long gone.
Then in rhyme He beats, You don't belong,
With loyalty and love my heart wails on.
Demons come and Demons Go-
Demons shake and make your soul quake.
But there was one there, not down below.
Stories of woe, repeated for His sake.
Honesty,loyalty, and insanity roll-
I beg and plead hear my word and be told.
His mind is closed, and I don't have the toll.
What was will never be, friends of old.
Sad hearts of empathy-
I hold on like a lost mother.
You hold no sympathy,
Not for sister nor brother.
Time is quiet now-
The calm allowed in.
I nod my head and bow,
Lord, heal me as my love grows thin.
I worry now-
as I worried then.
Your life is what matters,
Who's cared and How.

C.C. Rocker

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